As we studied the first few verses we learned going into James that this is considered the Proverbs of the NT. Also that is can be seen as a commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. I found myself the past two weeks listening to messages both on the book of James but also Sermon on the Mount. It was incredibly helpful to see the link between the two of them. Pastor Nate Pickowicz of New Hampshire is currently preaching through the Sermon on the Mount- if you go to and look up my preacher you can find his current study.
This brings us to verse 5 which I think will take several days again to unload. 5-8 is often put together as a fluid thought.
V5a But if any of you lacks wisdom...
This can be said of all of us. None of us has perfect wisdom. And wisdom is something we will learn that is a gracious thing to request. And God will give it to us without reproach! These verses are written after discussing the various trials and before the portion on temptation. Wisdom is needed desperately for both.
How many times, especially under pressure or within a season of hardship to we find we lack wisdom and go off of emotions, or feelings or reactions to the situation? Wisdom requires a pause, a request for it and then to see the circumstance through the eyes of the Lord. There are SO many situations that I can look back on and think- if only I had thought to turn to the Lord first...instead of myself. Or people around me.Or what the world deems correct...What would that trial have looked like had I fallen on the feet of the one who brings comfort and joy? Probably a lot better.
So it is now- I look at our incredibly tense world. It feels a powder keg lately just waiting for the next thing. And people are frightened, angry, loud, emotionally driven and as we will read tossed too and fro. James teaches us it does not need to be this way. That if any of us lack wisdom, we may request it.
Wisdom from the Lord is a gift. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 9:10.What does that mean? That when we set our eyes on God, when we fear him (as in see Him as a righteous and holy God, not like us, but for who He is) then we start to gain wisdom. Solomon was allowed to make one request- anything in the world- and he requested wisdom.
We live in a Jesus+ culture and mentality. During trials, if we are honest with ourselves, we don't feel Jesus is enough. We need Jesus + coffee. Or Jesus + more money. Or Jesus + health. Or Jesus + everything fixed. When we ask for wisdom, we are able to see through a faith filled lenses that Jesus is enough.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all our ways acknowledge Him and he will direct our paths. In times of trials- are we able to pause and trust in the Lord? Do we ask for wisdom in trials or for it to simply be over so we can go back to "Happy." Happy is a fickle emotion based on how we perceive our life and circumstance- but JOY is a fruit of the Spirit that can can be embraced in the darkest of hours and the longest of nights. "For weeping may last through the night His joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5b" In 2 Corinthians we read for our light and momentary affliction is producing for us an eternal glory that is far beyond comparison.
May we see in ourselves areas where we ask for wisdom and as we read tomorrow ask the Lord for it trusting He will give it freely.
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