Friday, July 31, 2020

James 1:17-18

As we conclude verses 1-18 in focusing on 17 and 18; it is good to keep the whole portion in mind.

James is encouraging us from the beginning, to count it a joy when trials of various kinds come our way. To chose our joy out of the confidence that is it for our good, for the testing of our faith; to produce a steadfastness within us!In Psalm 119:4-5 the Psalmist writes, "...Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your precepts!" May that be our prayer! As we come into trials of various kinds that we are not the waves tossed to and fro but that we cry out to the Lord, may our ways be steadfast!

James 17 and 18 concludes with the teaching that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father. That with him there is NO variation or shadow of change. This should give us great comfort and peace. We serve a God who is unwavering, unchanging, from eternity past to eternity present. Circumstances, trials, tribulations, sorrows- do not impact the Lord. He is Lord over all things and in Him and Him alone can we and should we seek refuge and strength. God is our refuge and God is our Strength! Psalm 118 echoes this, His steadfast love endures forever. The LORD is my strength and my song: He has become my salvation. 

Verse 18 says, "Of His own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures." God brought us to Him according to His own will. There is nothing we could do to earn His Salvation, Or His blessings, or His good and perfect gifts. It is by grace we have been saved through faith, it is not of ourselves, it is a gift of God. That is the most glorious blessing of all. James was writing primarily to the very earliest so Christians who would have most likely been majority of Jewish persons. The term firstfruits was given to the portion given to the Lord from the harvest. "In Israel's sacrificial  system, the first produce of the land was considered devoted to the Lord, since he claimed them. (Reformation Study Bible)." This is a very beautiful and deep thought. Consider what James is saying- we are His; Christ claimed us, and now may we be devoted to Him, a kind of firstfruits. 

The beauty of the entire passage, starting in verse one, the half-brother of Christ; who had come to be a fully devoted servant of the Lord, charging the new believers to consider trials of any kind a joy. To trust the Lord in hardship knowing that He is shaping us into what he desires. To serve Him well, not tossed to a fro- but to anchor down into the hope of our Salvation which is Jesus Christ the Lord. To not be easily swayed or confused or deterred- but to walk in the unending truth of the steadfast nature of our King. 

May we delight in our Savior today. 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

James 1:16

Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. 

Originally, the plan was to do verses 16-18 today. Then I started to read more into the study notes, and ponder the whole of 1-18. Because of that I am stopping here today. What a fitting verse. In the face of trials and temptations, do not be deceived. 

Oh how this encapsulates so much of my heart for this study. Do not be deceived dear sisters! Of what the world offers or social media trends too. Do not be deceived by false teachers! Jeremiah 23:16- 17 we read, " Thus says the LORD of host: "Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord. They say continually to those who despise the word of the Lord, "It shall be well with you;and to everyone who stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, "No disaster shall come upon you."" Since ages past the world has been full of false teachers. I think of right now in the pandemic how many main stream teachers.. before Covid- trying to claim 2020 to be the year of vision; now trying to rewrite their prophecies to what 2020 has become- a constant reminder that God and God alone is in control.

2020 has been a perfect reminder that all of us will go through trials. Not one of us has been untouched in a serious way. Loss of income, or jobs, or people in our lives. Loss of normalcy, vacations or the expected beat of summer into fall. We have taken on roles we never intended too, or perhaps never wanted. And if we fail to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus we will find ourselves deceived. A popular quote from the book Girl, Wash your Face, author Rachel Hollis states, "You and only you, are ultimately responsible for who you become and how happy you are." I cannot think I of more utter non-biblical rubbish being passed off as Christianese to the unassuming Christian woman looking for a light read- or what this is listed as...self help. This is so counter to what we are reading- James tells is to consider it a joy when various trials come our way. Hollis recommends getting up, washing your face and taking the bull by the horns. Friend- I beg you to flee from this. We are not to be in pursuit of happiness but of Joy. One comes as a result of temporal fruit of getting what we want- one comes as a fruit of understanding what we have IN Christ. 

The news cycle, social media and bad internet theology is running a muck. In a time where we are all under various trials, I urge you to not be deceived, beloved sister! To look to Jesus the Author and Sustainer of our faith. Tomorrow we will finish up 16-18 and see the glorious beauty of placing our hope in the Lord... whom there is no variation or shadow of change, whom is only capable of giving good and perfect gifts; of whom and through whom we have been called child. Because Jesus is enough- dear sister, do not be deceived. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

James 1:13-15

"Let no one say when he is being tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. The desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death."

These are very full verses. They display truths which our culture has manipulated and twisted over the course of centuries and in our case the past few generations. In our reckless regard for the Holiness of God and failed understanding of who He is; we fall prey to many lies given by the world and humanistic religious practices. "The devil made me do it," is a cop out for when people sin. As if he has power to make you sin. He is fact can entice you, tempt you; as we saw with Jesus in the wilderness...BUT he cannot make you do anything. God and Satan are NOT equal players. There is not this question at the end of who will win...good or evil. Satan might be able to destroy but he too, is under God's authority. Nothing he does is not permitted by God. John Piper has said " God holds Satan on a leash." 

We can see even in this, that a poor understanding of scripture or literal ignorance of it; can allow cultural narratives to become 'biblical,' references; simply because we don't know what the Bible says! Often James line of sin becomes manipulated and twisted. First off, we confuse trials with temptations. Although both are allowed, as we have focused on trials, they are circumstances that come our way- for the building up and edification of our person. Temptations are those things that are luring us by our own evil devices. But you say- I am not evil, I am good! This too is a lie- the Word teaches us there in none righteous, no not one." Jeremiah 17:9" The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked," this is why we cannot trust our emotions. Emotions, feelings, spring forth out of a well that is the root of sin. 

Then why, would God allow this? Because He is gives us the gift of salvation to kill the wickedness; He can and served as the perfect propitiation for our sins; and now through Him and through the power of the Holy Spirit we can walk in faith and overcome trials and temptations. We can endure temptations through Christ who gives us strength. James 4:7- 10 will go further into this but he says, " submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."

What this does not mean is to abuse your liberty to flirt with temptation. Do not assume because you are washed in the blood you are now free from or immune to temptation. We all know those situations. Ones we get ourselves into- or maybe walk blindly into. We allow our struggles to become our temptations- which gives birth to sin which leads to death. A marriage that is rocky and leaves you feeling lonely leads to an innocent hello on social media to old friends...a flirty coworker who gives attention that makes you feel good; a drink that helps you forget the woes of the world; a diet that becomes more than health but an obsession and controller; the quickness of social media scrolling rather than time spent invest in scripture; entertainment that numbs the mind or leads to lustful thoughts- rather that what is good. The list goes on and on. This is where it becomes very personal. Ask the Lord to reveal areas where you are prone to wander; where you are weak and easily lead astray. Confess and repent; turn to the Lord and He will provide a way out! I am certain- because scripture tells us so. 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide a way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." Wow. that is quite the promise, comfort and also conviction. It means that there in nothing special about what we are going through. We are not a one in a million circumstance that makes it permissible for us to sin or that God doesn't provide a way out. We also sell ourselves and the power of the Holy Spirit out. God is faithful! We miss that when we don't cling to Jesus and try to do it in our own strength. This- is the perfect time to exercise the encouragement and promise written in Philippians that I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

Through Christ. This is the only way that does not lead to death. 

May we see areas of temptation and flee to Jesus. May we be encouraged in our trials today and allow them to cause us to lean on, run to and depend on Jesus. Because no matter the circumstance... Jesus is enough. 


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

James 1:12

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised. 

There is much to say on this very and as we go through verse 15 some misconceptions I have had to correct. First, may we pray that our hearts are open to being transformed through the Word of God. That we can change our mindsets according to scripture, rather than vice versa; and seek to understand a very important thought. 

The word temptation here is can yet be translated trial. The Greek word would be, "Peirasmos," which literally means a putting to proof, an experiment, a trial with beneficial purpose and effect. 

Many times, as I have read through James in years past, I misunderstood this. I assumed that temptations were like, the scene from Snow White, where the witch offers her a beautiful red apple; and unable to resist she bites it and dies. Completely caught off and unaware Snow White had no chance against the lovely red apple. We can have that mindset. Yet, here we are to understand that temptation, or trials are to be endured...and expected. The crown of life being spoken of here, would be best understand as the reward at the end of an athletic competition. He that endureth, receives the crown of life. He that trains well, prepares, expects and then walks through the trial, leaning on not their own strength but the Lord's- will be able to come through and receive the prize. 

Reverend McCleoud sums it up best in an exert from his sermon on James 1:12:
    "Some trials are lustful and fleshy (temptations to rebel against God's Word) and some test our faith (temptations to deny Christ or recant), but they are both trials nevertheless! This is why it is pronounced a blessing when we can stand! It brings honor to our Lord when we love Him who was at all points tempted enough to resist sin until the shedding of blood. Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin."

Jesus himself begins his ministry in being put to temptation. Read Matthew 4:1-11. And notice how Christ responds. Satan manipulates the Word; Christ answers back in the authority of the Word. 

Are we spending enough time with our Lord and in His Word that we can recognize false teaching? Manipulated word plays on the word of God- that seem especially likely to sneak in during times of trials and temptations? Where it would be easy, as we have seen since played out in the garden Satan whisper..."did God really say?" Sister can you answer back, and then stand firm on the truth of " IT IS WRITTEN..."

I encourage you- to dust off your hearts and minds today and remember that we are not on a stroll to the pearly gates but that we are in a battle that rages on. Are you armed? Or are you ill prepared where every red apple offered will become irresistible?

Going back to James 1:2-4 we must consider it a joy when we face trials of various kinds. We are being given an opportunity to grow and draw closer to the Lord. I am including today one of our family's favorite songs we stumbled upon. Flee from sin- it is a reminder that although not easy- with Christ all things are possible. 

Monday, July 27, 2020

James 1:9-11

v9-11 Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation and the rich is his humiliation, because like a flower of the grass he will pass away. For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beauty perishes. So also will the rich man  fade away in the midst of his pursuits.

We are still in the same line of through from verse 2-18. Although we are breaking it in chunks bear in mind it is yet one dialogue. James here switches from being steadfast to addressing he have and the have-not within the body. That money or lack their of can serve both as trial and temptation. Trial, whereas, not having enough can cause one to concern, and having enough can cause apathy. It goes much deeper than that but the trial can come from the situation of either being poor or rich. 

The temptation comes from how one handles the trial. To the poor- does envy, jealousy, covetousness, anger come in as they see those in a different circumstance? To the rich- does apathy, greed, ill regard to those who do not have, lack of generosity or pride come out of being blessed to that regard?

James its leveling the playing field. He is reminding both rich and poor that at the end of the day, each day it is Christ. That at the end of our lives, it is Christ. We come with nothing, we leave with nothing. 1 Peter 1:24 All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of the grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever."

This is from Isaiah 40:6-7 which says the same and Psalm 103:15-16 which again reminds us that "as for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower in the field; for the wind passes over it and it is gone, and its place knows no more."

Death is the great equalizer. We will all die. All of our lives are like a blade of grass, here today and gone tomorrow. This is not said to be discouraging or sorrowful- but sobering and of good reminder. Are we investing in this that do not matter? Do we put so much effort into cultivating flowers that flourish (money, wealth, possessions, titles) that we soon forget it will all wither away? But the WORD of the LORD stands forever!

I am attaching a sermon today on Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor... because as we discussed in the beginning of this study many see James as a commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. What does Jesus himself say on this topic? It is carried through both the Old and New Testament having been intentionally brought up and taught again and again. We must learn to examine our hearts and situations and ask we view Christ as our ultimate riches? Do we think truly of Salvation as our greatest gift? To those who are of humble estate is Christ our greatest desire? And to those who have plenty- does Christ remain our greatest satisfaction?

1 Peter 1:25 goes on to say "And this word is the good news that was preached to you." Friend, if you sat under solid teaching of the word you are of the highest of heirs. You have heard the good news of Salvation. Pray about whom you can share this eternal wealth with. Jesus Christ is the Living Water, that will never cause thirst again. May we be reminded of our time, how it is fading and keep our eyes set on that which is not- Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Friday, July 24, 2020

James 1:5-8

The focus today will be on 7 and 8 but concluding the statement of 5-8 together. I think it is fitting on a Friday that we be left with something to ponder, pray through and meditate on. 

James says to ask in faith, not wavering. The KJV says for verse 8 "a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." It is easy to glaze over this and assume they are not talking about, well us. But James is talking to the Christian in this passage. Not those who are unsure if they believe in God- but those who claim Christ yet seem to waver between trusting in the Lord and holding onto the mandates of man. The Reformation Heritage Study Bible says this, " Literally, double-heartedness, the opposite of wholeheartedness or single-mindedness. It is the disposition that pulled a person in two directions instead of turning decisively from this world and its gods towards the Lord."

Woah. This caused me to take a big pause. How many times do trials come my way and do I seek the council of others- first. Seeking council is not wrong- in fact it is wise to go to sister in Christ or an elder or a mentor when you have trials of various kinds. This is talking about choosing to not go to Christ FIRST. And if the council you seek conflicts with the truth of Scripture- to take the opinion of man over the Word of God. We allow ourselves to become double-minded. Social media is such an easy demonstration of this. We watch how other 'believers,' live their lives and then your their choices as our morality gauge- instead of the teaching and preaching from the Word. So we allow ourselves to be conformed even the the "christian world," instead of Christ! We can make religion an idol and cling falsely to idolatrous ways. And is this not the point of James? Distinguishing between true and false religion?

We have a saying in our home when we feel off track. When our behaviors, or the kids obedience, or kindness/ or lack there of, or our screen time...or whatever feels off track. We say we need to right the ship. The beauty of the Lord is He doesn't make us go adrift till we crash, we can right the ship immediately. We can reset our gaze towards Christ, repent for the areas we have stumbled and struggled and redirect our vessel towards the One who commands the waves.

This weekend- may we examine the trials in our life, may we see the areas where we have put up created gods for comfort or surety in times of trial; and may we align our hearts to the Lord. May we identify areas we are not single-minded and ask Christ to be our center and the Anchor of our souls. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

James 1:6

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea tossed by the wind. James 1:6

This verse says a lot. I have found it hard to study as I find it so convicting. We are reading through James who is telling us to consider it a joy when we have trials, to ask God for wisdom within the trials, knowing that He will give generously to those who ask of Him; and now, to ask in faith not doubt.

The study Bible I use noted this morning in my reading of the Old Testament that trust is a key old testament word for faith. "With the idea of finding security, safety, or confidence." It was in a passage discussing trusting in the Lord. With that understanding look at verse 6, but let him ask in faith... let him trust...let him find security, without doubting. AHK. So convicting to me. I have become painfully aware lately that I pray absent of faith, which is painful to even admit out loud. I again am startled each time God moves. This is heart breaking for me to realize, for oh how bad I desire to not just say I trust God but to walk daily in that trust.   

How many times do we go to the Lord and put our prayer and situation in His hand, but fail to leave it there- we run back and take it out. Or run back to take a peak, or start questions Him as to why He is or isn't doing what we had expected. 

Psalm 37 says, commit your way to the Lord, wait patiently on Him, and He will act. Psalm 111 reminds us that "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have good understanding."

When we can take our trials, our needs, our day to the Lord we are able to walk in steadfast hope and confidence. Not because we did the right thing- but because we are turning it over to a God who is able. We take our eyes off of ourselves and fix our eyes on our Savior. When we keep our heart and hope and eyes set on eternity and the hope and holiness of God- it gives us peace and faith...and joy. 

In Jeremiah 18 the people say that they will turn to their own devices..".they are so engrossed in themselves that they have no time for God or his messengers (Reformation Heritage Study Bible)."
Let that not be said of us, that when trials get tough we forsake our Lord and turn to a god we make ourselves- one intent to give us health, wealth and happiness. One that we only keep as a good luck charm and a magic 8 ball to shake our bible, flip it open to any page and smack our finger down, claiming that as our answer. Let false religion not turn us into waves going up on religious highs and crashing low when we feel we aren't getting our best life now. 

Matthew Henry says this regarding verse 6 " That oneness, and sincerity of intention, and a steadiness of mind, constitute another duty required under affliction: He that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven with the wind, and tossed. To be sometimes lifted up by faith, and then thrown down again by distrust- to mount sometimes towards the heavens, with an intention to secure glory, and honour, and immortality, and then to sink again in seeking the ease of the body or the enjoyments of this world - this is very fitly and elegantly compared to a wave of the sea, that rises and falls, swells and sinks, just as the wind tosses it higher or lower, that way or this. A mind that has but one single and prevailing regard to its spiritual and eternal interest, and that keeps steady in its purposes for God, will grow wise by afflictions, will continue fervent in its devotions, and will be superior to all trials and oppositions. "

May today we find Christ as our sure and steady anchor. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

James 1:5 (part 2)

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Let him ask God... this struck me as it did the first portion of the study. We should not just assume we are given wisdom within the gift of salvation. It is something that we are to ask for! And- how infrequently do I ask?! I truly struggle to pause and petition God. Which makes me realize moments of peace and joy I miss out on because I don't ask for wisdom from the Giver of good. 

God gives to all generously- and without approach. This is truly a need to pause moment. Do we believe that? Do we truly believe if we ask God He will answer back generously and without reproach. This can expose some serious theological and doctrinal misconceptions or just feelings we place on God that are not true- because maybe we are creating a version of God that is not biblical. Today it is often preached that God is waiting to bless you...usually that blessing is being assumed to be health, a new job, wealth, prosperity.... but what if the blessing is wisdom under pressure? Eyes to see Christ in all circumstances? Deep down- are we satisfied with that as the answer to our prayers? What if the trial is not removed? Or in fact gets worse. Are we able to reach out to Him who is able; and trust him through it?

Jeremiah 17:7 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord; whose trust is the Lord. Woah. Read that slowly. Who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord. That is profound. Because we can in one breath say we trust in the Lord but in another breath put our trust in the ______. Outcome, circumstance,fixing of... I find myself doing this- I say I trust in the Lord but then I try to help, or move along or freak out when it seems not going the way I foresaw it. 

Jeremiah goes on. Verse 8 He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when the heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious for the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit. 

What a powerful reminder. To him who trusts in the Lord, whose hope is in the Lord- he has peace- and faith in times of trial (drought). Verse 9 reminds us that the heart is deceitful above all things... In times of trials it is so unwise to go with our emotions. Or to follow our heart! Scripture is teaching us to follow the Lord. What are areas you struggle with this truth?

My favorite verse to cling to in times of trials is Psalm 33:20-22. Let your steadfast love oh Lord be upon us...even as we hope in you. It helps me to realign when I realize I am trusting in circumstantial outcomes for my satisfaction or peace rather than Christ Himself. 

The beauty of James 1:5 reminds us that the Lord gives generously. Without reproach. He is not waiting to condemn us because we need wisdom. He knows we need it. He is not waiting to lecture us about how long it took to turn to him, he is waiting to give generously to those who ask. Today what trials are you needing to turn to God for wisdom and strength?

Worship today: God the Uncreated One

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

James 1:5 Part 1

We are back in James! Yay! As I read through it over and over during our vacation break I found myself struck again and again with how pertinent this is right now. That the chaos around us has to me never made this book more important. 

As we studied the first few verses we learned going into James that this is considered the Proverbs of the NT. Also that is can be seen as a commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. I found myself the past two weeks listening to messages both on the book of James but also Sermon on the Mount. It was incredibly helpful to see the link between the two of them. Pastor Nate Pickowicz of New Hampshire is currently preaching through the Sermon on the Mount- if you go to and look up my preacher you can find his current study. 

This brings us to verse 5 which I think will take several days again to unload. 5-8 is often put together as a fluid thought. 

V5a But if any of you lacks wisdom...
This can be said of all of us. None of us has perfect wisdom. And wisdom is something we will learn that is a gracious thing to request. And God will give it to us without reproach! These verses are written after discussing the various trials and before the portion on temptation. Wisdom is needed desperately for both.

How many times, especially under pressure or within a season of hardship to we find we lack wisdom and go off of emotions, or feelings or reactions to the situation? Wisdom requires a pause, a request for it and then to see the circumstance through the eyes of the Lord. There are SO many situations that I can look back on and think- if only I had thought to turn to the Lord first...instead of myself. Or people around me.Or what the world deems correct...What would that trial have looked like had I fallen on the feet of the one who brings comfort and joy? Probably a lot better. 

So it is now- I look at our incredibly tense world. It feels a powder keg lately just waiting for the next thing. And people are frightened, angry, loud, emotionally driven and as we will read tossed too and fro. James teaches us it does not need to be this way. That if any of us lack wisdom, we may request it.

Wisdom from the Lord is a gift. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 9:10.What does that mean? That when we set our eyes on God, when we fear him (as in see Him as a righteous and holy God, not like us, but for who He is) then we start to gain wisdom. Solomon was allowed to make one request- anything in the world- and he requested wisdom.

We live in a Jesus+ culture and mentality. During trials, if we are honest with ourselves, we don't feel Jesus is enough. We need Jesus + coffee. Or Jesus + more money. Or Jesus + health. Or Jesus + everything fixed. When we ask for wisdom, we are able to see through a faith filled lenses that Jesus is enough. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 says Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all our ways acknowledge Him and he will direct our paths. In times of trials- are we able to pause and trust in the Lord? Do we ask for wisdom in trials or for it to simply be over so we can go back to "Happy." Happy is a fickle emotion based on how we perceive our life and circumstance- but JOY is a fruit of the Spirit that can can be embraced in the darkest of hours and the longest of nights. "For weeping may last through the night His joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5b" In 2 Corinthians we read for our light and momentary affliction is producing for us an eternal glory that is far beyond comparison.

May we see in ourselves areas where we ask for wisdom and as we read tomorrow ask the Lord for it trusting He will give it freely. 

Friday, July 3, 2020

James 1:4 Concluding meditations

So, literally today I am having to chose joy! We have faced many external trials since 6am and its okay! Bruce and I talked and prayed this morning how its no coincidence that we are learning what it means to be steadfast and lets testings have their work in us. 

Already the past few days I have seen areas in my life that the trials have shown I need to be deeper in scripture. Areas where I have weaknesses that I can buy into lies instead of Truth. My cousin reminded me yet this morning- keep your eyes fixed! Is this not so true?! When Jesus is Enough, when we live with 'eternity stamped on our eyes,' than Christ not just become but is our source of and ultimate joy. Whether here on earth or joined together eternally in death- He becomes our satisfaction.

And James, writing to a dispersed church knows this is the case. Count it all joy my brethren...

After studying it so in depth my eyes well with tears as I truly think on what these words mean. I wonder did they echo in his own heart as he stood knowing he would be thrown to his death? Did they motivate him every day? Did they serve as balm to the tired and weary soul of the early church? They were watching their leaders drop around them, they had to cling to the thought that Jesus is who He says He is; that He came and died and rose from the dead...and is coming back again. 

Philip- was crucified; Matthew and Paul- beheaded; Barnabas burned to death; Mark dragged to death; Thomas speared; Luke- hung and Peter and Andrew- crucified. They did not die for nothing. The died for the sake of the Gospel. They counted Christ worthy. I can't help but wonder if we feel the same?

In all honesty I wanted to entitle this post- since when have Christians become such jerks? Social media has made me sad and angry. And it is not coming from the world. It is coming from within the church walls. People being cruel, impatient, unkind. Needing to post and boast their opinions and belittle others for theirs and prove points of NON eternal affairs. Oh, if only we were so concerned about sound doctrine as we were the science behind masks. The church has long been able to share the gospel by being Christ to one another within the walls of the church- looking so different it radiates out and people can see they are different. 

When we stop looking within- and start looking up- we can take these daily trials brought on by Covid, and government and political ideologies as moments to practice joy. That we can chose Christ and love Christ and then love others as Christ has loved us. 

And it can start with us, in our hearts and in our homes. When I feel stress to I react towards my kids or husband or am I able to demonstrate the joy set before me? This is a big test point because I can get anxious and very snappy. But I do not desire that. I desire for my family to know who Christ is by how I love them; not from human emotions but from truths charged by  God's Word.

We are taking a 2 week break and I feel it timely. Sister- challenge yourself. Joy is a fruit of the it evident in your life? Make a list, write down areas you struggle to chose joy and react in ways that are contrary to what you want to demonstrate. I want to leave you with these prayers of scripture:

Colossians 1:11 May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy...
Romans 12:11-12 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

And Ephesians 3:14-19 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith- that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses all knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Who for the joy

James 1:1-4

Today has been the struggle bus for me already. Actually this whole week has been. I find trials; and despite this study I find myself not responding with consistency in joy. Anxiety, yup. Fear, why certainly! Lack of trust...yup. 

Joy- there are glimmers when I slow down to remind myself of who God is- but this is not my steady pattern. And I am suffering through it. 

Today in my quiet time I was reminded of God's goodness and care for us. Reminded that He loves us and is our steadfast rock and our redeemer. Psalm 94 reminds me, "When I thought, "my foot slips," your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up...When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul."

When I was scrambling God settled my heart through his word. He doesn't make us finish out the current trial in whatever sinking state we are in, he declares He is good and enough- and to return our gaze to him! 

And let steadfastness have its full effect...I am feeling this so much. It is a magnifying glass sometimes to every way I DON'T trust in God during trials. My what ifs conflict with His I AM's. It can be a very vulnerable place to be. Especially for doubt to creep in. I realized this week- and many others lately I pray without expectation, and then am shocked when God answers. Its humbling to even say that out loud. Do you ever find yourself in that? Praying but then surprised that God hears our prayers?

Colossians 1:11 May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy...

This is my prayer for us as we journey through James and as each of us face trials of our own. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

And let steadfastness...

Verse 4: And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing. 

And let steadfastness have its full effect...
     we will go deeply into this the next few days before hitting our 2 week pause on the study. James started this thought with stating we should count it all a joy when various trials come our way, for we know that the testing of our faith produces steadfastness.

He will now go deeper into this meaning- and it is both exciting and humbling. Verse 4 gives us a very clear picture of how a person saved by grace responds in the times of trials. The mark of a believer. This is not saying that we will be perfect- nor is that conveyed in the word "perfect," as we will discuss tomorrow. It means that the hope of our joy, the anchor of our soul, the Rock of our foundation is now and forever will be CHRIST.

Reverend McCleoud in his James series says," Once bad times can be consistently counted as joy in Jesus...and faith is battle-tested and rising day by day in Jesus...and a walk is steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in Jesus...The Christian has EVERYTHING.  The full effect of steadfastness is a Christian who understands that JESUS IS ENOUGH. He or she will understand that everything we see around us is temporary. We begin to live for another place!"

Again Philippians 3:8 Paul understands this as he boasts in the Lord- teaching us through example to count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of Christ...that he might gain Christ! Paul is a man who has put everything into his hope of the Gospel. That Jesus is the Christ! That He now sits at the right hand of the Father. Paul, James, Peter, Timothy, Mary, Priscilla.... they all show us, teach us, and exemplify to us lives that have been changed by the truth of the Gospel. That Jesus is enough. 

We might say that we are Christians- but does our lives testify to it? Are we using this time of aching and chaos and loneliness and confusion to point others, through the testimony of our own walks, to the one who is worthy? To the only One who can give us hope? Who is the only one who can quench the thirst that so many are dying of with a living water?! Have we become yet, the woman at the well- who when she encounters the Messiah runs to tell the others? OR, are we using our friendships, media platforms and time for other uses and other diatribes? Friend if you are a believer.... you have the glorious hope of the Gospel within you and abounding in you and the ability to offer it to others! Everything else around us is temporary- in a world full of suffering- offer HOPE. 

Because through every trial, wave and storm- JESUS IS ENOUGH.

ALSO- here is a link to the FREE audio reading of John Piper's book: Coronavirus and Christ.