Read: Luke 2:33-40
Sing: Your favorite Christmas hymn! One of mine is Prepare Him Room.
How do we wrap up this study? So much has been gained through the Word, so many truths about God and His faithfulness and Sovereignty. I have trouble knowing where and when to really digest it all. Christmas as the holiday we celebrate may have passed but the birth of Christ and what that meant for mankind obviously continues. It can be so easy to allow the Lord to be present for only this time and focus for but a moment as our thoughts already run rampant to New Year's festivities and activities. May I encourage you friend, rather thent he trend that has taken ladies by storm where you chose a "word," that you chose the Word this year. Be an avid student of the only Word that is spoken by God, that does not return void, that has the power to turn hearts of stone to hearts of flesh; and reveals to us the attributes of our Great God. Let us set the table for an unquenchable hunger and thirst than can not be satisfied with anything less than saturation of the Living Word, becoming not merely a partaker but a student and scribe this year.
We end this portion of Luke with a prophetess Anna. A woman 84 years old, worshiping with fasting and prayer day and night in the temple. She was able to witness the birth of the one she worshiped and longed for. What a marvelous and beautiful picture. We must not forget that she was faithful in this season of silence, decade after decade. Worshiping, waiting, longing for He who would dwell among them.
So, as we wrap up, may we find ourselves with hearts like Anna, as we await the second Advent... Christ's return.