Friday, December 16, 2022

#15 A Weary World Rejoices

Read: Luke 1:26-38

Sing: Who Would Have Dreamed

Today, we will zero in on one thought, and I will leave you with several wonderful resources for the weekend ahead. 

James Montgomery Boice writes, "Mary's faith in now reconciled in us now, at Christmas," If we are a professing believer in Him, we have God in us and with us. This is accomplished by God alone, apart from any human contribution. (pg 71). 

Mary did not earn, help or add to the incarnation of Christ within her womb. God chose her, He alone did all of the work of the creation of a new life within her, and yet she was blessed through it. This season may we reflect on the goodness and truthfulness and mercies that our salvation comes through faith alone, by Christ alone, to the Glory of God alone. 

Believeing God-Luke 1:26-58

He Will Save

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