Monday, November 28, 2022

Day 1: Luke 1-2:40

 Good morning! Here we are on Day 1 of our Advent Study. I am so excited. Today will be a general overview and layout of where we will all be going! 

This year we are studying Luke 1-2:40. It may seem like a shorter passage as in years past we have done huge chunks of the Bible or entire books. BUT, it will take us the entirety of the study to work through this. It is such a rich passage and I have been busting at the seams, since diving in months ago, to share the glorious truths of Christ and His coming with you all!

As always, this will be (mostly) methodical and done in an expository manner going verse by verse. We will have a Christmas worship song every few days to help prepare our hearts for the study and keep us meditating on it throughout the day. My favorite part of the Advent study is how it helps "right the ship," for me during a season that can get overwhelming and chaotic. It makes it a little harder to be stressed over Christmas cookies after spending a morning immersed in the mystery of the incarnation. 

It is hard to keep Christ at the center of the celebration, lets face it, it's hard to keep Christ at the center most days in general. But, as we pause and read, and see God's promise fulfilled we can once again renew our hope, for what He promised He has done. We also live in a society with loose theology, where Christmas and the message can be distorted or added too, let us heed Peter's warning "There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do other scriptures." The Incarnation of Christ, the Virgin birth, these can lead some to rabbit holes of conspiracy theories and myths, may we not be women who are easily deceived but rooted and grounded in the Word of God.

So for today and the next few days to follow we will start with a sweeping overview of what we are about to dive into. Please read with me Luke 1-2:40. I often will read it, listen to it, and then read while listening to it...(it takes a bit to get in in my head and

Resources I will be using: Reformation Study Bible ESV, Reformation Heritage Study Bible KJV, Luke Volume 1 by J.C. Ryle, Advent study books by Dr. James Montgomery Boice and Sinclair Ferguson, and Sermons on Luke 1 and 2 by John Calvin. Also, please look forward to sermon links that I listen to to deepen my study from both well known, and local pastors. 

Praying many blessings and marvelous wonders this Advent study.

Song for today:Prepare Him Room

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