Read: Luke 1:26-38
Sing: Hark, the Harold Angels Sing
So much comes to mind as we work through this passage. Honestly, there are times I have trouble sorting my thoughts, or prioritizing them, because I want to share them all at once! Through the numerous books and commentaries read on these chapters, it feels at times as if both my head and heart could explode. God is so gracious, so kind, and so marvelous.
I happen to be in Revelation right now on my one year reading plan, like many of you might be. It has been very fascinating reading through the first and second Advent at the same time. Something I may have never likened together, which in some ways misses the point of both. The story of Christ's reconciliation and then return. Wow. It has really stuck out to me, the difference in the angels roles and comings and goings in these situations. The first advent, gently, quietly and singing at times. Making announcements with glad tidings! The later, ushering in a fierce King with trumpet blasts, worship, magnitude and awe. Truly God, Truly Man. It is the Son of Man's coming both times, yet in very different means. We live between the 2 events, may we think on this as we study our passage more.
James Boice in his book The King Has Come, breaks down the announcement into several parts:
-That Jesus would be great
-That He would be the Son of the Most High
-That He would be Holy
-That He would reign over the house of Jacob
-That He would be the Son of God.
This is incredible. The angel is telling Mary that the Seed has come. That all of the covenant promises that those who waited look back towards and waited forwards for, was about to come to past. The Lord Himself, would come and dwell among His people. He would tabernacle with them. I think this can be easily lost on us. Table Talk magazine speaks on this, actually in today's reading, "It can be easy to forget how incredible it is that God Almighty chooses to come near to sinners. This is grace, for He is by no means required to draw close. In face, He has no need to pay us any attention at all. Yet He does not remain far off but dwells with His people. Let us meditate on this truth and what it says about the grace of our glorious God."
During the Christmas season,it is very easy to forget it is about Jesus. Everything, the festivities, the celebration, the somberness, the joy, the lights, the feasts, is because He came. It can be so easy, even as we study to be shocked by the angels appearing, Zechariah's unbelief or the young Virgin's obedience. BUT, the entirety is about Christ. May we pause and reflect and pray and keep Christ at the center of all things, may we delight in His amazing grace that He came and dwelt among us.
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