Monday, December 19, 2022

A Weary World Rejoices #16

Read: Luke 1:34-38

Sing: The First Noel

Greetings, friends. Oh, the week of Christmas. The frenzy seems to have filled the air, and the weather seems to be stirring the pot. It is so easy to be distracted, overwhelmed and inundated with lists, tasks, necessities and needless stressors this week. It's as if the entire year seems to climax this week. I have to admit, my Christmas prep is less than stellar. Today I will need to go to the grocery shop, and gift shop, finish the laundry and clean. My mind feels distracted and hard to quiet even this morning, with lists and the things I haven't done or forgotten to do. (Christmas cards...not Yet, in light of eternity, what do these things way out? Every year at this time, It is so important to focus on those things which hold weight in the Kingdom. Time spent in His word, never a waste, never a hasty choice, time spent in prayer; always profitable. Time spent with our families, moments we can never duplicate. Meditating on the first advent of Christ, always a joy.

Today's passage, is summed up excellently by J.C. Ryle. There is so much to say! We are traveling at a snail pace, and I realize we will be taking this study post Christmas to finish it out. Lets jump into to see Ryle's second point on this passage of scripture:

" Let us mark, in the second place, the prominent place assigned to the Holy Ghost in the great mystery of the incarnation. We find it written, 'The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee.' ...In every step of the great work of man's redemption, we shall find special mention of the work of the Holy Ghost. Did Jesus die to make atonement for our sins? It is written that 'through the eternal Spirit He offered himself without spot to God' (Heb 9:14). Did He rise again for our justification? It is written that he was 'quickened by the Spirit' (1 Pet. 3:18). Does He supply his disciples with comfort between the time of his first and second advent? It is written that the Comforter, whom he promised to send, is 'the Spirit of Truth' ( John 14:17). Let us remember, that all that believers have, are and enjoy under the gospel, they owe to the inward teaching of the Holy Spirit. The word of each of the three persons of the Trinity is equally and entirely needful to the salvation of every saved soul. The election of God the Father, the blood of God the Son, and the sanctification of God the Holy Spirit, ought never to be separated in our Christianity" (pg 21 Luke Vol.1 Commentary). 

Wow. It is remarkable to see the powerful workings of God among His people. To see the angel come and deliver a message of the miraculous. To have the gentle reminder to Mary, ' For nothing is impossible with God.' And to see the faithful reply of a young girl, 'Behold, the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy Word.'

Today and this week, may we trust in the saving work of Jesus Christ. May we boldly proclaim with good tidings and great joy the true reason that we celebrate at Christmas- Christ! And may we with renewed faith, hope and love of the Lord respond to His word every so eagerly...not my will but Yours be done. Amen.

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