Read: Luke 1:1-4
Sing: He Who Is Mighty
Some days, I cannot help but feel myself choke up as I work though this narrative. (Okay, who am I kidding...most days). This morning though, indeed I had to keep pausing. This might be puzzling as we are only working through the greeting of a letter from one man to another, but I could not help but thinking through the fact the Lord saw fit that through Luke to Theophilus, we too would receive an orderly account of the life of Christ. The Reformation Study Bible denotes it like this, "Luke addresses Theophilus and explains his purpose for writing to offer a well-researched and orderly presentation of the events that have launches the Christian movement, as a foundation for confident assurance in the truth of the Gospel."
How blessed are we to be partakers of this glorious truth. How much do we not even think of the kindness that the Lord has given us in having the entirety of the written word at our finger tips? I know we briefly touched on this concept last week, but I keep going back to it, as in a day in age where we have almost unlimited access to a global database of knowledge (and filth) at our finger tips through our phones and we lose sight that we have complete and total access to the Word of God at all times. Pushing it further, because we live on this side of the resurrection we have complete access to the throne of God through His Son Jesus Christ, who was born and died to take away all our guilt and shame. We are now heirs of righteousness. Do we live in this truth? Do we delight in the Word each day as it being of our eternal value?
J.C. Ryle states, "let Christ be the sun of our system and the main desire of our souls be to live the life of faith in Him, and daily know Him better." What better time than advent to restore our joy and love of Christ. To marvel at the most remarkable of miracles that the Creator and Sustainer of all things would come into the world in flesh Himself, as the King Incarnate, to die for our sins.
Jesus Christ, the exact imprint of the nature of God, would be held by a teenager's hands. Would walk the roads He created, would sleep under the stars that he both set and named. Don't let this escape you! He who is mighty...has done this great thing. God with Us. Emmanuel.
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