Wednesday, February 17, 2021

As we approach the cross.

I cannot believe it is this time of year again. The "Lent" season as many refer to it as, has a rich history. However as I use the term, I am usingit quite loosely to define the time between now and Good Friday. Much like Advent where we took the time to anticipate the Savior's birth, now is the time to still our hearts and make much of His life, death and Resurrection. 

This year we will be studying in depth John 14-17, but this week as our overview and prep for our journey we will read John 13-21. If you can try to read through it in one sitting so you can gain a scope of the entirety of it. If reading feels overwhelming use a bible app and listen along, driving, walking, working out. Try and make the time to be in this book this week.

We will include 1 song a week for added worship. 

I was struggling on what we were going to read this year. If you have been in this study we have covered many different approaches and books leading up to and then through the Crucifixtion and Ressurection of Christ. 2020, we did the entire thing on zoom in the middle of a pandemic! This year, I feel there are so many of us (myself espeically) feeling distracted, tired, overwhelmed by the anger and quick changes going on, mourning the loss of what was and wondering what will be. And it bringing me right back to my desperate need of Jesus. He is enough. And Christ, hours before His journey to the Cross took the time to comfort His disciples. We will sit in on the very intimate conversation and then prayer to the Father from the Son. 

I find myself excited, we have the opportunity to chose to be at Jesus feet now and then after this study. I am challenging myself, challenging you to really be present, to intentionally meet with the Lord in His Word every morning. Many of us "give up" things during the lent season, TV, sweets, social media... lets give up things that distract us from Christ and hinder us from His word and His truth. Chose something without hopes to add it back in 40 days! Chose something that has zero eternal value and add in something that does. 

Our lives are but a vaopr, and we have had to meet this square in the eyes the past year as plans have been cancelled and loved ones have been lost and life has been shut down, maybe to never be "what they once were." If our hope was in the world, this would be cause for great alarm;but if you are a believer, our hope is in Christ! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! And as we are to read...take heart dear sister, let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid!

Read: John 13-21; Sing: Not in Me.

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