Tuesday, February 23, 2021

John 14:2-3

 Read: John 14, Sing: Most Merciful God.

Today we will talk about a misconception that comes out of verses 2 and 3. Many times we go to the Bible looking for something we want, we go to it wrong... we should bring nothing to it and glean everything out of it. Going with a preconceived idea and then imposing it on the Word is very dangerous and can cause some very serious theological issues in your belief about who God is and what He has done or is doing. 

Well, what do I mean even by this? I am going to attach a small video about exegesis and eisegeses that we use to teach our children how to interpret the Bible. I like there definitions as simple to understand and apply. So, exegesis: arriving at the meaning of a passage of scripture by mining the meaning out from it, and carefully not inserting a different meaning into a passage. 

Eisegeses means inserting meaning into the passage, especially meaning that wasn't intended. We see this often today. Very often. There are very popular pastors who distorts whole passages of scripture to take the view of Christ and put it square onto yourself. If you would like to talk more about this, I would love to grab coffee and chat!

This brings us to today's portion of scripture. And this was hard for me to realize how wrong I had it and search out the root of if I longed for heaven for right reasons. Jesus says, " In my Father's house there are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." Every sermon and commentary I studied from men of the past to men currently on the pulpit says that mansions is best understood as dwelling place. In this time frame often children would build onto their father's house. There would be a central yard and they would keep adding on turning them into these large homes. They were dwelling place was their Father's home. Jesus is saying that he is going to prepare a dwelling place for us! Because the Holy Father is about to receive us as children, because His Son is about to carry the weight of our sins that we can be called child of God. 

I cry thinking about this. Jesus knowing the agony ahead looks at His disciples and says do not be afraid, I am going to prepare a place for you. Our place at the cost of His blood.

I was raised believing that mansions meant mansions. American Mansions in an Oprah Giveaway style... One for you  and you and you!!!! Flinging that stuff everywhere, because heaven was about me. Not me getting to dwell with my Father- but my time in heaven, my rewards... for what? This type of interpretation leads us to theology that would teach your best life now--- and there. You deserve happiness, because you are great! We become self-idolizing religious fools because in claiming Christianity we worship ourselves. We miss out on the magnitude and magnificence of Christ when we make it about ourselves. And as women, we can often interpret the Bible with emotions rather than biblical lenses. We studied this concept last year during lent when we looked at Eve in the Garden. The serpent approached HER, and said... did God really say? And Eve added. She misinterpreted. She smudged the words to justify her thought process. And yet it continues, have you ever noticed the self help Christian book market dedicated to women. Friend- Guard your heart and examine scripture carefully. If your theology has developed a low view of God... repent. If your pastor teaches a higher view of yourself and happiness than of Christ, run! (And take a friend with you!) 

This is so important to me, because look at what can be missed. Lets read John 14: 1-3 again. Jesus is with his disciples, moments before His own death, teaching and comforting them because He knows what lies ahead.  One study reads, "By His sufferings and exaltation He will obtain a place for them with the Father in Heaven," this points us to Hebrews 6:19-20 That we have a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf...

Friend, Jesus loved you so much he laid down His life for you. He was the propitiation for our sins! He has gone to prepare a place for us, with Him. That surpasses any earthly measure we have set for heaven. The Creator of the universe calls us child, and we get to dwell with Him forever. Wow.

Have we misunderstood key portions of scripture? Do we have an American view of heaven that robs of of the truth? Are we seeking earthly riches rather than eternal glory in Christ with the Father? Take time today as we journey forward to study, meditate and pray through how you approach scripture. He is our steady anchor.

Little Pilgrims Theology "E"

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