Wednesday, September 9, 2020

James 5:7-11

 Oh how I love this passage. It is both passionate, convicting and encouraging. 

Be patient...until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits, being patient until the early and late also be patient, establish your hearts!

In Palestine there are early and late rains one coming in March/April signaling the time to plant and one coming later between Oct/November signaling the time for harvest. This picture is a beautiful one, and encouraging one, and a very poignant reminder. 

Perhaps it is because I live across the street from an Amish farmer, but we get to see this beautiful cyclical pattern played out year after year. This year was quite beautiful and even emotional; because despite the world being "shut-down" due to covid- come late March early April the mule team slowly walked down the road, turned down the field and began to plow the soil. It was unaware of the turmoil, it was doing what has been done for centuries- as the soil warmed the planting began. It reminded me of God's promise in Genesis 8 that there will always be a seed time and harvest while the earth remains. As the world went mad I had the beautiful reminder of God's word since the time of Noah. 

Farmers do not harvest mid-season either. There would be no fruit, and what fruit there is would not be good for the eating or useful for food or recipes. The yield would be small and the work half-finished. So he waits. He watches, he works diligently, weeding and checking, watering and nourishing. 

So we too sister, must learn to be patient until the coming of the Lord. We must establish our hearts in the Lord- by being stewards of His Word, and women of prayer and patience and steadfastness!

James gives example of the prophets who remained steadfast (think perhaps of Jeremiah, the weeping prophet) and Job who through steadfast endurance was able to see the mighty hand of God at the end.

May we too, learn to be faithful, patient and steadfast. In days and times like the ones we have, especially right now, significantly right now with tensions high with school and Covid and an election looming- where is your hope? Where is your faith? Be a testimony of the purpose of the Lord and how he is compassionate and merciful.

James 5:11 discusses the wishy washy one. Simply put- be a woman of your word because you represent the Word. Do not swear by heaven or earth- let your yes be yes, and your no be no and allow your actions to be a manifestation of your faithfulness and trustworthiness. 

We finish James tomorrow. There has been so much to learn. So much to consider. And so much truth for such a time as this. Let our lives be lived out a pleasing aroma to the Lord- for He is worthy of all praise. 

How Sweet the Name of Jesus

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