Tuesday, September 8, 2020

James 5:1-7

 James 5:1-7

We are in the home stretch of our study this week. I am excited to be able to wrap this up and have time to press on into James privately. It is good to not just be hearers but doers of the word! Are there changes based on the study of James you feel are needed in your life? If so have you made a plan on how to do it? Or started praying about courage to do it? Or shared with someone else the desire to walk towards Christ in that manner?

James 5:1-7 Is a call to repentance and a sobering reminder that Christ is coming again. Weep and howl are two of the words used towards the rich. It is easy to assume that this is talking about "the others," but the truth of the matter is you are most likely included in this bracket. We, who live in America, are incredibly blessed. But with the blessing of freedom and homes and food and health care, we can easily forget that we have are needs met every day. We are among the rich. James is reminding us, yet again, to not be lured into our hope in worldly pleasure; for God sees all things and knows all things about us. 

He hears the "labors in the field crying out" and he sees the unfair wages. "You have lived on the earth in luxury and self-indulgence." Eek. Taking a look at our own lives, is this our ultimate desire? Comfort? Pleasure? Happiness? Are we in all things able to find comfort and joy? 

Verse 6  You have condemned and murdered the righteous person. The language is strong but its coming from a Pastor who is giving a warning and a plea. Repent! For Christ is coming again. Do we live in such a way that should Christ return we are eyes fixed with hopeful anticipation? Patient in affliction, being perfected by the trials that come? Or would we be found numb to the things of the Lord worshiping the fattened calf of worldly treasure not only not waiting for Christ but wishing he would tary a bit longer, because we simply love the things of this world? 

May today we repent of this mindset and press on with steadfastness and hope in the One who is to come!

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