Tuesday, September 1, 2020

James 4:5-6

 Please follow the link and pick up there sermon at minute 25:00-37:00 today( Sermon entitled "Faith in the World"). Hopefully the notes/outline will help you write/journal/study/respond to the passage today <3

James 4:5-6

Rev. 18:19 - World system described as 'Babylon," God does away with it. 

- Why would we chose to be sympathetic to a world and ways that are anti-God? Are there areas in our lives that we do this?

-Jesus took on our spiritual adultery on the cross- we are able to be reconciled to God because of this.

V5- Do you think....

-Original Greek very difficult. In context the best understanding would be considering also Exodus 20:5

    God is jealous for His people. James contrasts bitter envy (chapters 3 and 4) to what we read as seeing God is envious for us. He is the faithful husband who wants our hearts, His bride.

-Oh that we would yearn for Him the way we do for the temporal things of this world. 

*Worldliness is the heart set on anything but God...What is my heart set upon???

#2) V6 Understand Grace

-He gives greater grace. Hod is not stingy. He does not hoard His resources. James says this repeatedly. Consider 1:5; 1:17.

*Grace- us getting what we do not deserve. -Eternal life, forgiveness, His righteousness, adoption, heaven, Himself!

-God gives greater grace- continually! 

-Goal of Christianity is not to be great people but to love our great God.

-Grace is not just the way in but how we experience our relationship with God. By Grace through Faith in Christ!!!    

    Examples: Forgiveness of repeated sin, giving of self and time, brink of temptation

-Let us develop lives soaked in the Greater Grace

-Gospel fuels and empowers our lives

God resist the proud by gives grace to the humble. 

--Who are the proud? Those who think like the world. The "self" seekers, thinkers, etc. 

-Luke 18:9-14

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