Thursday, September 3, 2020

James 4:11-12

 Finishing our sermon today- and then finishing out chapter 4 in our regular study method tomorrow. 

-We are sinners in the hands of an angry God. If we see our sins righting  weeping would be the right response. When is the last time we wept over our sins...if ever?

*Side note: think through your last 6 months of sermons at the church you attend; do they preach repentance, do they use the words sin or do they use less "offensive words," as not to make you feel guilty. Sister, if you are not in a church that preaches repentance, sin and the truth of God's wrath yet also God's salvation, pray that you can find a Pastor who will teach and preach truth.

-Without the weight of sin we cannot feel the weight of grace.

Charles Simmeon Quote:

-Do we have flippant attitudes of sin? Only the humble is exulted. 

-Sting of condemnation leads to the greater grace God gives!


- Don't criticize one another. * if we are being honest this is one of the biggest pitfalls in a church family. The quickness to judge. And media is giving us the platform to do it back handily with blurred vague postings rather than conformity to loving each other as Christ commands.

-Our world is extremely judgmental. Our society is built on success and judges those who do not fit in. 

-But we are to view each other as sons and daughters of God. 


*it bears worth mentioning this is in reference to neutral morality standards- NOT when/if we see a brother/sister purposefully sinning and making choices that goes against biblical commands and teachings. Yet even in that approaching should be done in love. It also should be noted, this verse is taken out of context A LOT when people criticize false teaching within the church. It will be quoted saying don't criticize me...but  a false teacher, a wolf in sheep clothing, does NOT fit this teaching. This is reserved for the side glances given to those who are within their liberties (think...choosing to trick or treat, piercings, tattoos, style of worship music, certain beverage choices, etc etc.)

-We should rejoice in the evidence of grace we see in one another

-Prideful people only see faults in other people.

-Jesus not become a judge of the law. The royal law in James 2:4 love your neighbor as yourself. We must not put burdens on others that are no where in the Bible, lest we become judges of the law. And that friend, is a very dangerous place to be. 

In Conclusion: Let us love one another with brotherly affection! Let us be humble, not prideful, seeking to encourage one another in the love of Jesus Christ. May we weep over our sins as we see them in light of the goodness of our Savior and may we experience even yet today the beauty of the grace of God. He is the Giver of greater grace. We are so deeply loved. 

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