Wednesday, September 2, 2020

James 4:7-10

 We did the story of John Newton for VBS this year.( We used this material from Bible Visuals International) It was pretty remarkable. I remember listening to this last quote and the sermon picks up here today: Although my memory is fading I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior."

Oh how life would change should we cling to these two simple statements. 

Point #3

Redefining repentance

James connects our repentance to the Gospel. Therefore submit to Him. 

-Repentance:have a change of mind.

       -in light of what He has done submission is not a loss but a gain.

       -LOOK: Resist the devil and draw near to God. Do I recognize the spiritual war around me.

-The devil is seeking to kill and destroy through the toxic aroma of sin. What could that look like in my life? Social media, mindless entertainment, self obsessive needs, addiction?

-Ephesians 6: Resist the devil by taking hold of the full armor of God! 

***suit up sister! Spend more time dressing for the battle at hand and in the Lord then dressing for the day and the culture***

-Draw near to God...Draw near to God!!! Can't kill sin unless you are dwelling in the matchless majesty of God's grace.

-Can fall into the counterfeit beauty of the world if not drawn into the dazzling beauty of God.

-Ordinary means of grace: His word, prayer, fellowship. the gathering with believers and preaching of the Word, the Lord's supper. These are all ordinary means to his extraordinary grace!

-If not drawing near to God, Satan will devour you- He is a roaring lion seeking who he may devour.

-Stop sinning and purify your hearts.

-You cannot live with one foot in hell and one in heaven. 

***Do we take God seriously?***

-Repentance is ultimately about joy. If I am miserable in my Christian life than I need to look at my heart not my circumstances.

v 9-10 Be miserable...humble yourself before the Lord and He will exalt you.

 -the age of Self esteem is not helping anyone, we have become our own measuring sticks rather than Christ!

John Calvin said " Cannot attain full knowledge without contemplating the face of God.

As we wrap up this section tomorrow, there has been some very serious question, and points made. Take the time this week to ponder the face of God, and asks ourselves do I allow the Word to be my measurement and joy or the World?

Worship: Not in Me

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