The deeper we dig into James the more my need to slow the pace and research and study and meditate upon each phrase becomes. As we study together, I learn ways to go deeper, have found myself drawn into a desire to know more, and shocked how content I have been for years with simply "reading" through the Word, without ever truly digging deeper. Scripture is the Word of God given to us; yet sometimes I treat it like social media blurbs, scrolling through 'liking,' this and 'caring,' about that. Without truly giving pause to seek it out and devour each morsel of life sustaining truth.
James is simply put- so practical for us as believers. It is even practical for the unbeliever to understand how a person of faith should walk, and a good sifter for those who do profess faith, but are actually not Christians, to be able to sit and read and pause... and say I am a Christian, but...
James is writing to the church, for you know...lets stop there. The word "know" here is a deeply rooted word. It is knowledge acquired by experience. Such as if you live somewhere there are seasons... you know that in the fall the leaves turn color. It is both based on observation around you and living through the experience of fall. This is a knowledge that comes through understanding. Strong's defines it as:to learn to know, to come to know, to perceive and to feel; also to become known. When James says for you know, he is leaning into a deep understanding not just saying as you have read...
Throughout scripture it is laced with this truth. To know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. Hebrews 11 is sometimes referred to as the 'hall of faith.' Pause to read through it. These are the testimonies of those who suffered and lived through trials of various kinds, who lived in the hope that is produced through the faith in God! Most did not see the promise this side of eternity. Hebrews 11: 32-38 lists the various trials, tortures, killings, and the author labels them as persons of whom the world was not worthy. Every time I read through this passage my heart swells. The faith of these people in God and in the Lord Jesus Christ so moved them they lived with the glorious hope fueled by the truth that Jesus is LORD. Not striving for things of this world they ENDURED the race set before them. Because their hope, their treasure, their joy...was eternal.
Do we live with a joy set on the eternal? On a hope of that which is yet to come? Or do we find ourselves easily disappointed by things of the world around us? Are we constantly stumbling over things that in 100 years will not matter? Or do we run the race with the joy set before us?
Hebrews 12:1-3 sums it up well. LOOKING to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the JOY that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
How do we hold onto joy, how do we chose joy when trials come? By looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.
Next week we will look at Romans 5:1-5; Philippians 3:8; and Matthew 5:11-12.
Weekend worship! Psalm 57
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