Good morning,
I was struck by something I read this morning and wanted to hop on and share.
Some of us live in regions that look like they will slowly be reopening; some of us, live in regions that feel as if we might suffocate under the weight of these orders. Where ever we are these are crazy perilous times. What are we to do?
Read Isaiah 6. It is a profound moment. The study notes of my bible struck deepily as I pondered this moment and I wanted to share the hope and encouragement that lies within this scripture.
Things were changing for the people of Israel, the leader of the past 50 years had died and the future felt uncertain. God granted Isaiah this experience and I believe we can pull from it very much so right now.
1st thing to note- Isaiah looked up- He had to look up because God was seated on high. He saw that God is absolutely holy, sovereignly ruling from His glorious throne (Reformation Heritage Bible). Worshiping and serving God with a correct view of who He is has never been more important. Do no look into yourself for strength right now, it will be weak and flawed. Do not look out to the world for guidance- it is incredibly opinionated and political and conspiracy laden. Look to God, He is ever good and never changing. More so, look to him correctly, allow yourself to mediate in His holiness and set your compass there.
2nd thing to note: Isaiah in light of God's holiness looked inside himself and saw his own uncleanliness and unworthiness. He saw himself as a sinner. He saw God's holiness and it showed him his own wretchedness. This is good. We are not compatible to God. I am reminded in this with our current situation- I do not know better than He what is needed for me, for my town, for humanity right now. This is a mess. Regardless of it be judgement or man's wickedness or simply the result of a fallen world where sickness comes and conquers. What I am responsible for is my reaction and interaction; and there are many moments I have needed to repent for. My aroma has been at times a stench of my attitude rather than a pleasing sacrifice.
3rd thing to note: He looked to the alter to see the greatness of God's grace that provided the cleansing and atonement for his sins. We now have the privileged of knowing and experiencing first hand the greatness and depth of that grace through the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the Cross! Jesus IS ENOUGH!!!! He is enough when circumstances are good, he is enough if we are sitting in a jail cell, or laying on a bed during a chemo treatment, or surrounded by children who are running amuck, or sitting in isolation. In Jesus we have everything we need. We have the glorious joy of being able to fellowship with His Son at every moment and turn and breath.
4th thing to note: Isaiah was able to look out to the world who who need this message. Are you looking out to a world that needs this good news? That is we lose everything that we have the one thing that can never be taken? That when our hope is rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ our Lord we are free forever? That whether in life or in death we have nothing but gain? Are you able to plant seeds of salvation right now or are we too busy looking inward at our current situation and that we are prevented at looking up to the glorious high throne of God and the truth that Jesus Christ is seated at His right hand. He came as it was predicted- and He is coming back again.
Sister this situation is HARD- regardless of where you are, but we have everything we need through Jesus Christ our Lord and His living active Word. May you cling to what is right and good and help others build their house upon the Rock. Every moment of every day may we be reminded of this. Worship for this thought.
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