Friday, September 30, 2022

Lost time

 It's incredible to me how much time I waste online. I know- ironically I am online writing this to you all, but if you're me... you probably waste a lot of time here too :) 

As our summer wrapped up, during an exceptionally busy season, I thought our days would slow. Ha, super wrong. I felt like I had lost so much time. Truth be told, I had. Yet it wasn't in the ways in which we spent our days, as the Lord numbers those, and sovereignly lays out how they will go. It was what I did with the days. Often overwhelmed, rather than turning to prayer or the Word, I scroll. Can you relate? It is easier to peak through social media for 20 mins than to pause and pray for 5. 

I have felt very convicted by this. I am a time waster. In numerous areas. And yet as apologetic as you can be, it is not something that you can get back. I might be sorry for wasting those 30 mins but no matter how sorry, I don't get to do them again. This can be depressing- or it can be motivating. Having repented for this habit that has become so natural, I also wanted to replace it with something... better yet harder.

October 1st brings us to about 90 days left of the year. Wow. And the holidays will quickly be upon us. Full of lists and things, and people. All quite lovely, some quite stressful, and others quite hard. Our default might be to not make time for what we should, and turn to ease and comfort..cookies and Insta. But, I ask dear friend- would you join me in something that will not return void?

I have asked a few ladies and my husband to read through the Bible in 90 days with me. A re-calibration if you will. An honest assessment of my own heart- is I have some spiritual love handles and complacency. Yet, thanks be to God who hears and answers prayers. Through the teaching of His word He has graciously revealed in convicted me in these areas. In small conversations I have had with other women, I trust I am not alone. 

YouVersion has a 90 day reading plan. Join us?! I plan on a mixture on reading and audio as I fold laundry or do dishes or garden. There is no "right way," in this. Simply humbling ourselves and putting the Word center. 

Ephesians reminds us "Awake, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil." 

Time is never wasted in the Word It does not return void. That is a promise we can hold onto! Join me!